1. About the Project
For our Software Engineering module CS2103T, our four-person team was tasked to modify or enhance the addressbook program into our software of choice. We morphed it into TopDeck, a general purpose flash card application, which allows users store flash cards in decks, and study these flash cards later.
My role was to implement study sessions. The following sections will describe my contributions in greater detail, as well as the sections I’ve added to the user and developer guides with regards to these enhancements.
2. Summary of Contributions
This section shows a summary of the coding, documentation, and other helpful contributions I have done to contribute to the team project.
Enhancement added: I added Study View
to study a deck of flash cards.
What it does: The study session allows users to study a deck of cards. This is done by presenting users with random questions from cards in a deck. Once the users have recalled their answers, they can choose to reveal the answers to the questions. Cards do not repeat until the whole deck has been viewed.
Justification: In order for a flash card application to aid users in memory tasks, there has to be a mode where the users can test their knowledge of the cards. This mode allows users to randomise viewing of questions and then choose when to see the answers.
The feature was challenging to implement because it entailed constantly changing states.
The ability to generate flash cards are found in a separate class, making it easy for smarter study algorithms to be implemented in future.
Architectural considerations were made to ensure that the display would have minimal interactions with the internal state of the program.
Distinctive display themes were designed to make it intuitive for people to know whether they are looking at a question or answer.
Code Contributed: Please view https://github.com/cs2103-ay1819s2-w11-1/main to see the code that I have contributed.
Other contributions:
Project management:
There were a total of 4 releases, from version 1.1 to 1.4. I managed releases versions 1.2 to 1.3 (2 releases), together with the mid-versions (mid 1.2 and mid 1.3) on GitHub. This includes compiling the requirements needed at each stage, ensuring that all issues are resolved before each release, as well as building and releasing the binary.
I proposed a few meetings in order for our team to designate tasks before the release.
Enhancements to existing features:
I added the ability to switch between Cards/Deck view to Study view and vice versa
I resolved checkStyle issues
I enhanced the UI of our application and made the interface responsive to scaling
I made minor changes to the introduction to make it more comprehensible for non-technical users.
I alphabetised and split our Command Summary based on relevant categories.
I reviewed pull requests, #77 and #62 (undoing of card commands) and #29 (view state)
I assigned issues and enhancements that our team could work towards fixing or implementing.
I helped my friends add annotated diagrams for some parts of their documentation.
I gave our team tips on the IntelliJ workflow regarding code reformatting and viewing files in Project Structure.
I made the project RepoSense Compatible
3. Contributions to User Guide
Below is an extract from my User Guide
<start of extract>
3.1. Study View
Study view can be accessed using any of these commands:
study INDEX
from decks view -
from cards view
In order to facilitate your study session, Study view presents Flash Cards in two phases, namely Question Phase and Answer Phase.
3.1.1. Question Phase
Study view starts off in Question Phase, which displays the question in this user interface:

As seen above, the question to be answered is displayed in a dark blue flash card.
Currently, questions are chosen this way: TopDeck shuffles the deck and displays cards one at a time until the entire deck has been viewed. Topdeck repeats this endlessly until you choose to end your study session. |
You may attempt the question by typing your answer into the Command Box, which now doubles as an Answer Box. Once you’re ready to see the answer, hit Enter. Your attempt will be recorded and TopDeck will enter Answer Phase.
3.1.2. Answer Phase
During this phase, you will see the answer to the earlier question in the following user interface:

As seen from the figure, the correct answer is displayed on a white flash card. Your attempt is shown on top next to the card for your own comparison.
Additionally, a prompt asks you to rate the difficulty of that flash card. You should input your rating into the Command Box which now doubles as a Rating Box.
Once you’ve typed in your rating, hit Enter. Your rating will be recorded and this value will contribute to average difficulty statistic seen in cards view. Immediately after that, TopDeck will reenter Question Phase.
During both phases, the following commands are available to end your study session:
4. Contributions to Developer Guide
<start of extract>
4.1. Study view
4.1.1. Stateful implementation
The purpose of a study session is to let users test their knowledge of flash cards. This is done by randomly generating a card to be shown to users, presenting them with questions followed by answers in an alternating manner.
In order to facilitate the alternation between two states, the StudyView
class holds two main variables:
- the card which is currently being shown to the user. -
- an enum which can be either beQUESTION
These two variables are continuously being altered to change the view every time the user interacts with the program.
The user can execute two types of commands to toggle value of currentStudyState
. These are
and GenerateQuestionCommand
Unlike other commands, the type of command executed is
inferred on the basis of currentStudyState
instead of the command word.
Upon command execution, currentStudyState
is evaluated and is toggled to
the opposite state. This behaviour is summarised below.

Besides toggling state, both commands also call
other functions to fully support StudyView
functionality as detailed below.
4.1.2. ShowAnswerCommand
This command is executed when users types in anything to the CommandBox
during question state.
This string typed is the user’s attempt for the question shown. ShowAnswerCommand
has to store this string internally
for later display. This is done by setting userAnswer
variable in StudyView
Given below is an example usage scenario and how the ShowAnswer
mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1. User attempts the question by typing in any command. If in question state and the command is not a preset command,
a ShowAnswerCommand
object containing userAnswer
is returned.
Step 2. When command is executed, the user’s answer is stored internally in userAnswer
variable of StudyView
through the setUserAnswer()
Step 3. currentStudyState
in StudyView
is toggled to ANSWER
Step 4. UI automatically changes to show answer as shown UI section.
4.1.3. GenerateQuestionCommand
This command is executed when users types into the CommandBox
during answer state.
The string typed is his rating for the flash card shown.
Thus, GenerateQuestionCommand
needs to modify
average difficulty rating inside Card
Besides that, it needs to modify currentCard
to show a new card as well.
Given below is an example usage scenario and how the ShowAnswer
mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1. User enters a rating. If in answer state, and command is not a preset command,
and rating is between 1-5, a GenerateQuestionCommand
object containing int rating
is returned.
Step 2. When command is executed, addRating()
is called to modify the difficulty of the
. This calls addDifficulty()
in Difficulty
class which is
a property of Card
class. Implementation detailes are found in Difficulty Section.
Step 3. generateCard()
in StudyView
is called. StudyView
calls its DeckShuffler
to generate a card as detailed in
DeckShuffler section. Card
returned by DeckShuffler
is passed back to StudyView
and studyView uses this to reset its own currentCard
through setCurrentCard()
Step 4. currentStudyState
in StudyView
is toggled to QUESTION
Step 5. UI automatically changes to show question as shown in UI section.
Summary of Changes
The summary of variable changes to StudyState
after running these commands is detailed below.

4.1.4. UI implementation
makes use of ReadOnlyProperty
to store variables which the UI has to display. This wrapper is chosen as it implements the Observable
The UI listens out for three things: the studyState
, userAnswer
, and textShown

The following details the changes to these observable variables.
observableProperty variable | How this variable is modified | Changes in UI |
Explained in Study User Commands |
textShown |
Calling |
userAnswer |
Explained in Show Answer Command |
4.1.5. DeckShuffler brief overview
In order to generate a random Card
object reference, DeckShuffler
holds 3 variables:
- deck that it needs to choose cards from -
- list of cards inactiveDeck
that has been shuffled byCollections.shuffle()
- aCard
iterator that loops through cards inshuffledDeck
When generateCard()
is called, iterator calls next
and returns Card
referenced. If none, shuffledDeck
is shuffled again and
iterator is set to shuffledDeck.begin()
4.1.6. Difficulty class overview
The Difficulty
object, a property of Card
, has two variables:
When addDifficulty(int rating)
is called, rating
is added to totalRating
and noOfAttempts
is incremented by 1. Other views can obtain average by obtaining quotient of the two variables above.
4.1.7. Design considerations
Aspect: How to store states
Alternative 1 (current choice): Using enums
Pros: Easy to implement. Makes sense as
do not have intrinsic properties, besides the UI looks associated with each state. -
Cons: Unused variables in
, such asuserAnswer
Alternative 2: polymorphism using
Pros: Less unused variables. More organised.
Cons: Requires larger structural changes.
I chose the first implementation as the problem of unused variables is minimal.
I do not foresee major changes to the way QUESTION
works in future.
There are not many possible reasons to store extra variables associated only with either state.
Aspect: How to implement UI modifications
Alternative 1 (current choice): Observable Properties
Pros: UI changes automatically. Concerns are separated as no additional command is needed to manually update UI during internal state change.
Cons: Less control over UI changes.
Alternative 2: Manual Modification of UI
Pros: Greater control over items to send to UI
will have to concern itself with UI arrangements
I chose the first implementation as UI changes happen all the time but the UI is highly similar in both states. Thus, a few Observable variables should suffice to achieve the desired variation between states. <end of extract>